Validity Assessment in Patients Seen for Clinical Care: an Important but Challenging Task.
ymptom validity tests (SVTs) are questionnaires designed to measure implausible symptom endorsement of items that are rare, atypical, or improbable. Performance validity tests (PVTs) are designed to measure implausible low performance on cognitive tests.
Tijdschrift voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie
Het resulterende Tijdschrift voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie heeft als doel de nieuwste wetenschappelijke studies en inzichten te publiceren op het grensvlak van de psychiatrie, de psychologie en het recht, en dit specifiek voor de Nederlandse (en ook Belgische) forensische context.
Verwarring rondom verdringing
Onze visie is dat het idee van Van der Kolk – ‘the body keeps the score’ wetenschappelijk gezien discutabel is. Aan de ene kant deelden mensen onze kritische visie maar aan de andere kant waren velen het met ons oneens. Het laat zien dat het onderwerp trauma en verdringing onderdeel is van een wetenschappelijk debat. Maar toch. Een debat moet niet zó verhit worden dat het polariseert.
Childhood maltreatment and psychopathic traits: Is there a link?
One group of offenders who seemed to be particularly victimized were those with psychopathy, a personality disorder characterized by impulsivity, lack of empathy, lying and deceit, and often a long and diverse criminal record. This seemed counterintuitive: why would someone who was victimized in childhood end up becoming a victimizer themselves?
The Microwave Accident
Miracle healing or dealing with malingering?
In the case of Mr S, the diagnosis was revised to malingering. Malingering is the intentional production or exaggeration of physical or psychological symptoms motivated by an external incentive
A positive approach to juvenile delinquency and rehabilitation
Professionals who work with these young people can experience a challenging tension: Do we protect society from the delinquent, or do we help the juvenile with their problems? An upcoming theoretical rehabilitation framework, the ‘Good Lives Model of offender rehabilitation’ (GLM), could potentially overcome this tension by doing both.
Implementation: the missing link, also for risk assessment instruments
It is evident from the risk assessment literature that introducing risk assessment instruments in complex work environments, such as forensic settings, is quite challenging. Yet relatively little research has been conducted on how to support such implementation initiatives
Stressed for success? How acute stress affects eyewitness memory
Reports provided by eyewitnesses can be critical for police investigations, particularly when other evidence is limited. But how might the stress that people feel during the crime affect their memories?
Eyewitnesses are not immune to cultural influences
Witnesses and other interviewees interviewed in legal and investigative settings are not immune to their culture of socialisation. Various cultural norms may have implications for how people view, remember, and report about their experiences and how they behave in the course of cross-cultural interactions.
Voluntary false confessions: Who would do that?
Surveys show that taking the blame for someone else happens frequently, mostly for minor offences. In this blog, we look at who people take the blame for.